We are excited to announce that settledinthetruth.com is now built within the Nositeunseen network system, and we are the start of a new eCommunity.
For those unfamiliar with what an eCommunity is, from their website:
“An eCommunity is a network of member websites each sharing a common function or purpose. It can be a shared appreciation for art or music, a sport or team, a belief or a role in family or society. Whatever ties a group of people together and can be expressed and shared online.”
In our case, our common purpose is to exhort one another in our shared faith in Jesus Christ the Lord. Everyone who is drawn to share their love of Jesus online is welcomed to become part of the eCommunity. All their website packages include a selection to be part of the “Settled in the Truth” location.
Visit their website for more details: nositeunseen.com
Their website does an excellent job explaining what the Nositeunseen network system is about but we would like to add our own thoughts for anyone considering being a part of our eCommunity. We are committed to the Truth as revealed through Jesus Christ because we firmly believe that when we know the truth, the truth shall make us free.
“If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
– John 8:31-32
However, we do recognize that everyone is unique and not all ways to hear are alike. As much as we want to reach all those who read our pages, we also want to encourage and invite others to reach out and share their understandings and love of the Lord. The eCommunity presents a wonderful opportunity to connect and encourage one another even as we encourage our website visitors.
The built in messaging system and social connection allows us to reach out more intimately with one another, and to share across the entire network. All sites are interconnected by this communication system but are still unique, individual sites. They can even have their own top level domain name instead of the default sub-directory of ours.
Another reason we encourage being involved is that their support teams are members of the eCommunity and so very accessible for support and questions. Many people are intimidated by being online and managing a website. This network handles all that responsibility so that site operators can concentrate on what they do first – share their love of Jesus!
There are many more features so take the opportunity to look around their website, ask questions, or ask us 🙂 We hope to see you online soon.